February 2nd: DRE at Run For Refugees 5K in New Haven CT

*If you would like to volunteer for this event, contact giveaspit@gmail.com. Volunteer hours given-it’s the volunteers that also help make this event a success*

Just in! On February 2nd, we’ll hold the first DRE in New Haven, CT. Also Super Bowl Sunday, so before watching the games, come to this event to run and spit! It’ll be our first donor event for Give A Spit!

The 5K will be raising money for refugees in CT, through the IRIS, which helps refugees and displaced people establish new lives in CT. Again, look at how much you will be helping your community! Part of your race entry will help the refugees, and your swabbed spit will help doctors find a potential match for leukemia and cancer patients.

It will be held in New Haven’s Wilbur Cross High School (181 Mitchell Ave.) & East Rock Park.

At the Run for Refugees 5K , we hope to recruit many generous donors. All it takes though is your spit! Donors have to be 18-44 preferably, as medical research concludes the younger the donor the better, (45-60 is alright, but has a 10% demand, and you must register online plus pay $100 to cover the costs). You’ll have to fill out a health form with a driver’s license or passport. Then, you’ll be added to the registry! If you are selected as a potential match for the cancer patients, you’ll be contacted and asked to donate blood cells, which will save the patients’ lives.

Hope all of you make it!

*Please remember to bring your license or passport when filling out the health forms.*

Sign up for the race HERE


Spit Donor Recruitment at the 5th Annual Jamie’s 5K Event

Any volunteers that would like to help out with Give A Spit can contact giveaspit@gmail.com for this event. *Volunteer Info listed under Donate/Volunteer Tab*

Jamie's Run

The recruiting events program is working very well, as just recently, Kurt Knotts, president of Jamie’s Run gave the okay to have a spot at their 5K event.

The goals of Jamie’s Run as taken from their site:

Our goal in 2014 is to continue towards raising money for the clinical trials program, child life in hematology/oncology, and the family assistance fund.  100% of the proceeds from The JK 5K will be donated to the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

Give A Spit is a perfect match for this event. Jamie’s Run and Give A Spit are both trying to raise awareness on cancer.


The 2014 Jamie’s Run will be held on Sunday, November 2nd at: (and not a typo, the above image was from 2013)

Standish Park – Old Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109

Hope to see you there! I’ll remind you about this event when we’re a month away.

Please stop by the Give A Spit table and donate your spit. By participating in this event, you are doing two great things at a time; running for cancer patients and your donated spit will help save a life of a cancer patient. *Please remember to bring your license or passport when filling out the health forms.*


P.S. Snow has stopped, sadly.

4th Annual Savin Rock Half Marathon & 5K (DRE-Donor Recruitment Event)

*If you would like to volunteer for this event, contact giveaspit@gmail.com. Volunteer hours given!

Background: Give A Spit is an organization that recruits spit donors to help people diagnosed with leukemia and other cancer. Leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood, kills more children each year than any other disease. Leukemia patients have to receive a bone marrow transplant to cure the disease, but the challenge presented is patients need to find a bone marrow match. Give A Spit was created to continue DoSomething.com‘s campaign, Give A Spit About Cancer. We intend to team up with the national bone marrow registry Be The Match (bethematch.org) to spread awareness and swab the donors’ cheeks. Our goal is to encourage people ages 18-24 (the age of the most-in-need donors) to sign up with the bone marrow registry.

At the Savin Rock Half Marathon and 5K, I hope to recruit many generous donors. All it takes though is your spit! I’m not kidding! Yes, spit! Donors have to be 18-44 preferably, as medical research concludes the younger the donor the better, (45-60 is alright, but has a 10% demand, and you must register online and pay a $100 fee). You’ll have to fill out a health form with a driver’s license or passport. Then, you’ll be added to the registry! If you are selected as a potential match for the cancer patients, you’ll be contacted and asked to donate blood cells, which will save the patients’ lives.

*Please remember to bring your license or passport when filling out the health forms.*


So bring your family and bring yourself! Have fun during the race and donate your spit to save lives. Hope to see all of you there!


*Visit http://www.shorelinesharks.com/Events/Savin.htm to sign up for the race. When you’re there, don’t forget to stop by Give A Spit table!

Welcome to Give A Spit Blog!

It’s snowing in Connecticut!

Welcome to Give A Spit Blog!

This blog keeps everyone up to date on the events we will be at to recruit donors. Please Like, Share, and Follow! We need as much support we can get for this project to be a success!

Lillian Zhang, of Give A Spit