
Support the cause by donating your spit, your money, or your time.


To be added on the registry, sign up on or attend to an event where Give A Spit will be at. You’ll sign a health and consent form, swab your cheeks, and then you can be someone’s match! If you are a potential match, you will be contacted and be asked to either participate and donate bone marrow or not participate at all. This is voluntary, but please keep in mind that you might be the only one who can save the patient’s life. We hope you’ll agree patients shouldn’t die for lack of a donor.

Please consider the following:

If you are between the ages of 45 and 60 and want to join the bone marrow registry, you must do so online. You will be asked to make a $100 payment to cover the cost to join. This is based on medical research that shows younger donors are best for patients and provide the greatest chance for transplant success. Because of this, doctors request donors in the 18 to 44 age group over 90% of the time. In your age group, you can join but Be The Match will not cover the costs.

At donor registry drives, we focus on recruiting new registry members ages 18 to 44. Because of your importance of joining the registry in hopes of curing blood cancers, there is no cost for your age group to join.

Age Recruitment Pie Chart


Money can do a lot of things. Instead of using those $3 to purchase your daily coffee today, donate the $3 to us. Our club needs to expand. With the funding, we can achieve great things and bring hope to people with cancer and disease. The $3 will be sent into our Fundraising Fund. This fund collects money to support a huge fundraiser most likely a road race that will being in more fundraised money for Be The Match!

Adding a new member to the registry costs $100. Although it’s free for people aged 18-44 to join, Be The Match has to pay these costs. Please also consider making a financial gift to the Be The Match Foundation. Your generous contribution in any amount is tax-deductible and helps make it possible for others to join. You can donate through our website, so we can add all the collected money together and send a big donation check to Be The Match with the funds we will raise from our end of the year fundraiser road race!

Please donate today. Contact to donate.

We Accept: CASH and CHECK. NO DEBIT OR CREDIT. (We are currently finding a solution for online donations.)

We keep all information confidential. It is best to donate in cash or check, which is easier for us to manage.


Volunteering is another great way to help save someone’s life. Sign up to be a volunteer at events where Give A Spit will attend to to recruit donors. By participating you can earn your hours, gain experience, and help find matches for patients.

Volunteering is open to all ages. *If volunteering alone you must be at least 13 years old. If you are younger than 13 years old, you should be attended with a parent or guardian, unless you and your parent sign a consent form.*

Please email with subject title: Volunteer for [insert event here]

YOUTH RELEASE FORM 12 AND UNDER: Give A Spit Release Youth

Remember events are only held in Connecticut! 

Other Ways to Help:

Start your own donor drive

Put up flyers to spread awareness about blood cancers

Help publicize Give A Spit at the participating events by posting up flyers (contact for flyers)

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