PHOTO: Julia’s Run 3.13.14 DRE & Red Cross Blood Drive by Marrakech 3.14.14 DRE

PHOTO: Julia's Run 3.13.14 DRE & Red Cross Blood Drive by Marrakech 3.14.14 DRE

I’m very happy to say I got to volunteer at TWO places in TWO days!
What I haven’t thought about was being at blood drives…I’m so glad I did though! I managed to get almost 20 donors from the two events, so I’m pretty proud.
Julia’s Run wasn’t publicized as much, but without my mom there, I didn’t recruit as many saliva donors for Be The Match, and also didn’t capture any pictures. It was a beautiful morning though-and the race event was on Yale campus. The director was pleased to have me there even though she didn’t reply back to me if I could attend the day before.
(So to every race I’ve been to, I’ve been collecting T Shirts, and wish I had asked for this race…whoops)
The next day was the blood drive sponsored by Marrakech. It was very last minute but I managed and was approved at 12 pm with the drive at 1pm!
It was a good 5 hours there, with little to nothing much to do, only because there were maybe 23 blood donors in that time span. But remember that I can only get saliva donors from ages 18-44 at least, so that narrowed down my potential donors to 10…Most blood donors were old let’s say.
And you wonder why at blood drives? Because if the saliva donors are matched to a cancer patient, they will be asked for a blood donation, and if further matched, will be asked to donate marrow through blood stem cells PBSC or liquid bone marrow surgery.

*Very upset I didn’t take any pictures of the events I went to…*

Photo: Savin Rock Half Marathon and 5k DRE

Photo: Savin Rock Half Marathon and 5k DRE

Great event; very crowded place to be at! There were two shifts of runners-the 5K and the Half Marathon!
Again, there were minor problems and forgot the forms in which my lifesaver mom had to get for me, and recieved a good amount of donors..Thanks everyone who attended the race!
It was a beautiful day to be running and giving a spit!